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Kotex Nail Stickers


Brand: Kotex (Singapore)


Nail stickers are fun and stylish, great for any occasion and well-liked by many women. Women like to take care of their hands, feet and nails, looking nice and neat all the time.

Full colour printed designs nail stickers that DTC World Singapore has created for Kotex, with female consumers in mind, highlighting the notion that the Kotex brand provides feminine hygiene products, and also the protection of a regular nail sticker while keeping your nails looking smooth and beautiful. These Kotex nail stickers are made available in 3 designs, used as free gift in Kotex brand products gift-with-purchase (GWP) promotions.

Looking to create enticing gifts for your customers to make their shopping experience memorable and exciting? Contact DTC World today!

DTC Support: Design, Sourcing, Production, Logistics.

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