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TIGER Beer Chinese New Year Promo


Chinese New Year (CNY), also known as Lunar New Year, is a significant festival & celebration for the Chinese community worldwide. Despite the global Covid pandemic outbreak currently, most Chinese will still be celebrating CNY, no doubt on a smaller scale. 


TIGER Beer in Malaysia has done up an impressively attractive website to promote purchase of TIGER Beer for this annual CNY affair. Digital marketing is being utilized in this marketing campaign, as face-to-face / onsite marketing activities are discouraged during this pandemic situation. 


Let’s take a look at this marketing campaign in greater detail. 

Well-designed, eye-catching website layout & design, portraying CNY festive red colour, with the elegant TIGER iconic blue colour & TIGER logo.

There are a few segments to this TIGER CNY campaign, most consumers will be interested in the Gift Redemptions tab, showing an overview of the goodies customers stand to receive from purchasing TIGER Beer & related products.


One of the most popular promotion is this TIGER RUMMY SET purchase with purchase promo: 

Buy 2 cartons of participating brands* and 1 carton of Apple Fox to purchase a Tiger Rummy Set at RM99!

Rummy Set is a popular game in Malaysia, well-liked by many. A complete rummy set with exquisitely designed unique tiles & well-crafted sturdy Chinese customary feel box, this gift is bound to capture the hearts of many!

Given a chance to buy such hard-to-find limited design rummy set at RM99, many consumers will not hesitate to make the minimum purchases required, driving up the sales of TIGER & other participating brands’ products. 


An opportunity to promote sales of GUINNESS brand products, which is under the same company as TIGER beer:

Purchase RM200 worth of Guinness products to redeem a set of Guinness Gold Playing Cards.

Poker cards is another indispensable game / entertainment activity during the CNY period. Making the cards gold, indicating fortune, prosperity & good luck. Customers will be glad to receive these as gifts. 


Collaboration with well-known P&M apparel brand in Malaysia to design a customised T-shirt with cute TIGER beer cans icons & catchy slogan: BRING ON THE ONG

Customers, especially the young adults, will fancy these hip hop T-shirts. 


An exquisitely designed bowl with spoon & chopsticks set, in a customised gift box. A presentable elegant premium set to be redeemed with purchase of TIGER & participating products.

For printing of logos on food contact items like bowls & spoons, care & attention have to be taken to ensure food safe & durability. 


Utilizing the same marketing platform to promote sales of HEINEKEN brand products, which is under the same company as TIGER beer.

A functional cooler box with high-perceived value. 

There are many ways to spice up your marketing campaigns with gifts / premiums. 

The exclusive TIGER RUMMY set mentioned above is produced by DTC World for this promotional campaign. The response was so good that the sets have been out-of-stock & fully redeemed within the early launch stage.  

DTC World has vast experience in curating the ideal gift / premium to enhance the success of your marketing activities. Contact DTC today for any enquiry!

This blog space is where DTC shares with our readers the Marketing Premiums, Promotional Products, POSM merchandises & Advertising Campaigns that we have come across in the industry. DTC does not advocate any brands or products mentioned in the blogs.