Almost everywhere we go, we see Tote bags around us. They may be on sale in shops, or being carried by someone on the bus or along the street.
In the earlier days, Tote bags were mainly used as reusable bags for grocery shopping.
As the awareness for single plastic bag use and plastic pollution gains traction, quick-witted marketers and creative designers have been coming up with Tote bags featuring various shapes and sizes, made of different materials, and even tailored for a variety of occasions.
Over time, consumers have realised that they can bring Tote bags along everywhere. Besides being reusable, Tote bags have become a fashion wear that is stylish, durable, and also comfortable to carry.
In this post, we will be sharing 5 Tips on how to transform your brand into eye-catching creative Tote bags.
TIP 1: Create a Collectible Tote bag with your Product
Transform your product into a unique Tote bag, and it is just like the user is carrying your product everywhere. Most importantly, one look and anyone can identify with the product brand instantly.

Photo: @cupnoodle_jp
Just like this Nissin Japan Cup Noodle Tote bag, it is so jumbo and looks rather comical, almost as if the user is lugging a gigantic cup noodle. This will definitely attract attention anywhere.

Lays Chips Tote bags

Wonka Nerds Candy Tote bag & Cheetos Sweetos Tote bag

Lays Tote bag, Kellogg’s Tote bag & Doritos Tote bag
Even though these bags may look a tad wacky, it won’t be embarrassing using them at all. On the contrary, they are so goofy and adorable that you will attract attention and be cool being seen carrying them. Many people are even willing to pay a premium price to purchase or custom make such collectible Tote bags!
Tip 2: Use Localized Motif that Resonates with your Audience
We tend to have emotional attachments to places, people and things that we are familiar with. By using designs and motifs that consumers feel intimate and relatable to on the Tote bags, it will transform the Tote bags into a memorable belonging for the users.

The designs can be national icons such as Aussie Animal Kangaroo Koala Tote Bag, or favourite iconic foods that we eat nowadays, like the The Art Faculty x Starbucks food & beverage patterns Black & White Tote bags.

They can feature famous topography, like the Food Map of Malaysia Tote bag, and symbolic places such as Alleyway Vietnam Tote bag.

Localised motifs can also be iconic heritage landmarks that are memorable and ignite nostalgic emotions in people. The Dragon Playground Tote bag and Peranakan House Tote bag are awesome examples.
Tip 3: Mix & Match different fabrics to Create a New Look for your Tote Bag
Most of the Tote bags we see around us are made of a single material, usually canvas or cotton. Besides manoeuvring the designs on the Tote bags, we can use different materials and fabrics to create differentiated refreshing looks as well.

This Denim and Burlap Tote bag, made of denim on one side and burlap on the other, and you can decide which side to decorate on. Whichever way, it gives an impression of being a totally different Tote bag.

Cotton can also be matched with Cork material to create new designs of Cotton Canvas & Cork Tote bags.

We do not have to limit only to 2 materials or fabrics, you can mix and match 3 materials too! An example is the stylish Denim, Hemp & Leather Tote above! Using different materials can not only transform new looks for the bags, the distinct textures create a brand-new user experience as well.
Tip 4: Explore New Sustainable Fabric for your Tote bag
Another way for your tote bag to stand out from the crowd is to use sustainable materials to make the bag. As consumers are becoming more environmentally conscious, they will prefer Tote bags that are eco-friendly, that will enable them to look good and feel good.
And as these sustainable materials tend to be of more natural and down-to-earth shades and colours, the bags will appear subtle yet stylish, appealing to everyone for everyday use.

Starbucks Eco Tote bag that is made of recyclable Tyvek material; Fashionable Cork Tote bag made of natural Cork material. These sustainable materials are well-known for being durable, ensuring that the bags can be used for long periods.

Jute Tote bags are gaining popularity as well, as more people realise the benefits of strength and durability of the Jute material. Read our blog on What is Jute? The Ultimate Guide to find out all about Jute.
Tip 5: Manage your Budget

Photo by Sharon McCutcheon on Unsplash
There are many things we would like to achieve while conceiving the ideal Tote bag to advertise or do marketing for our brand. But back to reality, there is a limit to the budget that we are able to spend.
Instead of exhausting time and efforts in designing your dream Tote bag, only to realise later that the item has exceeded your budget, and you need to redesign all over again, get an experienced promotional gift supplier to help you.
How can DTC help?
At DTC World, we have over two decades of experience in the areas of conceptualization, product design, sourcing, quality control and fulfilment for all kinds of promotional gifts, premiums and point-of-sales merchandise.
We specialise in creating creative yet grounded concepts. We believe in striking the winning balance between quality, design, cost-effectiveness and brand alignment.
Contact DTC today to find out how we can assist you on your next marketing campaign with a bang!
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10 trendy yet functional SHOPPING BAGS loved by shoppers
7 TOTE BAGS Loved by Marketers